Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Structure of Nature

Every cell in all living organisms is enclosed in a membrane. Even our entire human body is encased in a membrane (our skin). Membranes can be seen as a gateway to what is inside and what is outside. Even our psychological processes and societal systems have “membranes” our habits, culture, attitudes and social customs define “us”� as different from “them.”� We are free to move between the outside and the inside of membranes, thus causing growth. Without the Structure that membranes provide nothing would exist. All our cells in our human body form part of a system in order to allow us to survive. That is why ideologies form naturally, because it is the structure that allows communities to survive.

When all our cells come together, it forms a human body. When all human thoughts come together it forms a ideology. This is the nature of membranes, to provide a structure for everything. We like to believe that we are free thinkers. But in fact all that we are free to do is to move from one known structure to another, to recognize a opposite in known structures, or to recognize a pattern between multiple structures and create a group structure for them. Our thoughts are doing exactly what biological processes in nature is doing. Thoughts are evolving because of interactions with other thoughts and they are forming groups, thus clumping together just like our cells. This would make logical sense because after all our thoughts is a product of biology and thus not free to think it can function outside a realm of its structure.

Two predators hunting the same game can not exist peacefully side by side in nature. Thus two thoughts Atheism and theism hunting for the same answer also cant live side by side peacefully. In nature the strongest predator will survive the longest, in society the same will apply to the two thoughts. The only way for both thoughts to survive is to recognize a common pattern between them and thus group them together in one structure. But the battle for dominance wont stop in the collective structure, new evidence for example would cause one thought in the structure to become more dominant thus overpowering the other thoughts and destroying the structure in order to create a new Structure. The same thing happens in nature when a new trait among species evolve after thousands of years of interaction with new environmental influences a better equipped organism can then become dominant or be better suited for the environment .

Critical Thinking allows us to see flaws in structures. Thus Weeding out the weaker structures. The law of nature is that the strongest will survive. Those organism that has a weakness will not survive. Thoughts are doing the exact same thing, in order to survive they are naturally creating a perfect structure without weaknesses.


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