Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Revolution Vs Evolution

In society when we want to implement a change we go through all the legal and peaceful means of trying to achieve it, but sometimes we engage in a revolution against a regime when above methods fail or we are on our last resort. It is in these times of stagnation that unrest overflows and a revolution becomes more likely.

In nature if we equate evolution with adaption and random interaction with the environment like dna mutation etc. Evolution clearly depends on competition. Where does a revolution fit into? If we look at the above mentioned pattern then technology is obviously a revolution in nature. Humanity stagnated, we did not evolve anymore, but there was still other planets and solar systems to feed on. A revolution was needed. Evolution in society and even in nature seems to be predictable. A revolution on the other hand destroys any pattern.

Nature and society form two parts of a single historical process. But they are basically different, contradictory parts. Other living beings have history made for them; we make our own history.
Animals depend upon the available food and other features of their environment for survival; they cannot alter or discard their specialized organs and ways of life to cope with sudden changes. Entire species can perish when their habitats change too rapidly and radically. Humans, on the other hand, are not subjected to any particular environment or mode of adaptation. We can adjust to new conditions, meet changes, and even institute them by inventing new tools and techniques and producing what we need. Clearly humanity was part of some sort of revolution in nature since we do not form part of the predictable part of nature. We consciously plan humanities further growth.

What if life is nothing special? if there are trees or any life on a planet there will be its opposite that would consume it. This is nature, opposites will always attract. As long as the opposing forces are in balance the totality appears stable, harmonious, at rest. But this is a transient condition. Sooner or later, alterations in the inner relation of forces, and interactions with other processes in the environment, upset the achieved equilibrium, generate instability, and can eventuate in the disruption and destruction of the most hard-and-fast formations.

In predictable evolutionary terms humanity could terraform other planets. find new sources of food etc. But surely another revolution is afoot. Something that would drastically change everything as we know it or will come to know it!


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